아너스치과교정과 소개


아너스치과교정과 서울대입구 원장 허욱입니다.

서울대병원에서 임상강사 근무를 마치고 관악구 서울대입구에 아너스치과를 개원한지도 15년이 되었습니다.
그간 저희 병원에 내원하신 분들의 교정치료를 열심히 하면서, 한편으론, 모교 서울대에 외래교수
촉탁을 받아 전문의 과정을 거치고 있는 수련의들 교육에도 힘쓰고 있습니다.

교정치료는 가지런한 치아배열 뿐만 아니라 아름다운 미소와 균형잡힌 얼굴이 턱관절과 조화를 이루어
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제가 치과의사 자격을 취득한 후 지난 23년 동안 오로지 치아 교정에만 매진했던 학술 연구와 임상 경험을
바탕으로 최상의 진료를 하도록 노력하겠습니다.




  • 치과교정과 전문의
  • 서울대학교 치과대학 졸업
  • 서울대학교 치과병원 교정과 인턴, 레지던트
  • 서울대학교 치과병원 교정과 전임의, 임상강사
  • 서울대학교 치과대학 대학원 석사, 박사
  • 대한치과교정학회 인정의
  • 서울교정포럼 총무이사
  • 서울대학교 치과병원 교정과 외래교수
  • 한림대학교 성심병원 교정과 외래교수
  • 한국 악교합 교정연구회 학술이사
  • 대한치과교정학회 학술위원회 위원
  • 미국 Angle Orthodontist 투고논문심사위원
  • 대한치과교정학회 평의원
  • Fellow of American Association of Orthodontists
  • Fellow of World Federation of Orthodontists
  • Fellow of World Society of Lingual Orthodontists



  • 허욱, 남동석. 6전치 일괄 견인과 견치 견인 후 4전치 견인 시 공간폐쇄 양상에 관한 연구. 대치교정지 2002
  • Wook Heo, Dong-Seok Nahm, Seung-Hak Baek. En masse retraction and two-step retraction of maxillary anterior teeth in adult Class I Women : A comparison of anchorage loss. Angle Orthod 2007
  • Min-Ho Jung, Wook Heo, Seung-Hak Baek. Effects of malocclusion on the self-esteem in female university students. Korean J Orthod 2008
  • Wook Heo, Seung-Hak Baek. Friction properties according to the vertical and horizontal displacement of teeth and bracket types during initial leveling and alignment stage. Angle Orthod. 2011

강연 및 발표


  • 2014.11

    Wook Heo. Orthodontic treatment of unilateral Class II malocclusion with the fixed functional appliance. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Seoul, Korea

  • 2013.11

    Min-Ho Jung, Wook Heo, Myung-Ho Son, Young-Min Moon. An evaluation of the self-esteem and the quality of life in orthodontic patients. Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Jeju, Korea

  • 2013.09

    Wook Heo. Clinical evaluation of active self-ligating brackets. Lecture, Hallym University Gangdong Sungshim Hospital, Seoul, Korea./p>

  • 2013.05

    Wook Heo. Orthodontic Diagnosis. Lecture for Students of Seoul National Univertisy Dental School. SNUDH. Seoul, Korea.

  • 2012.11

    Wook Heo, Young-Min Moon, Myung-Ho Son. Clinical evaluation of Clippy-C bracket. Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Seoul, Korea

  • 2012.10

    Wook Heo. Optimal force, Orthodontic anchorage. Lecture, Hallym University Gangdong Sungshim Hospital, Seoul, Korea.

  • 2012.03

    MiWook Heo. Orthodontic treatments of Class I, II and III patients. Lecture for Students of Seoul National Univertisy Dental School. SNUDH. Seoul, Korea

  • 2011.11

    Wook Heo. Orthodontic Friction and Self-ligating brackets. Lecture, Hallym University Sungshim Hospital, Anyang, Korea.

  • 2011.11

    Wook Heo. Friction properties according to the vertical and horizontal displacement of teeth and bracket types during initial leveling and alignment stage. Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, Seoul. Korea

  • 2011.05

    Wook Heo. Treatment of growing Class II malocclusion patients. Lecture, Hallym University Sungshim Hospital, Anyang, Korea.

  • 2011.04

    Wook Heo. Anchorage and optimal force. Lecture. Catholic University. Seoul, Korea.

  • 2010.11

    Wook Heo. Applying Forsus Fatigue Resistant Appliance in Class II malocclusion. Lecture. Korean Foundation for Gnatho-Orthodontic Research. Seoul, Korea

  • 2010.11

    Wook Heo, Myung-Ho Sohn, Min-Ho Jung, Seung-Hak Baek. Treatment of Class II malocclusion using Forsus appliance. Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, Inchon, Korea

  • 2010.10

    Wook Heo. Orthodontic force for efficient tooth movement. Lecture, Hallym University Sungshim Hospital, Anyang, Korea

  • 2010.05

    Wook Heo. The development of Orthodontic brackets and Self-ligating brackets. Lecture. Orthodontic Seminars for dental staffs of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Seoul. Korea

  • 2009.11

    Myung-Ho Sohn, Wook Heo. Antero-posterior movement of molars using Mini-screw in Class II Malocclusion. Table Clinic. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, Daejeon, Korea.

  • 2009.11

    Wook Heo, Myung-Ho Sohn. Retraction of anterior teeth considering the center of resistance in protrusion cases Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists, Daejeon, Korea

  • 2008.12

    Wook Heo. Self-ligation brackets. Lecture. Korean Foundation for Gnatho-Orthodontic Research. Seoul, Korea

  • 2008.11

    Myung-Ho Sohn, Wook Heo. Anterior segmental osteotomy in skeletal Class II malocclusion. Table Clinic. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Seoul, Korea

  • 2007.11

    Wook-Heo, Min-Ho Jung, Seong-Hak Baek. Influence of crowding and protrusion in self-esteem of adult female in their twenties. Poster. Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists. Seoul, Korea

  • 2007.05

    Wook Heo. Application of 3D images in dental practice. Department's Seminar. Department of Orthodontics, Seoul National University Dental Hospital. Seoul, Korea.

  • 2006.06

    Wook Heo. Biochemistry in orthodontic tooth movement. Department's Seminar. Department of Orthodontics, Seoul National University Dental Hospital. Seoul, Korea.

  • 2003.11

    허욱, 백승학, 남동석. 안면비대칭을 동반한 골격성 III급 부정교합증례의 교정수술 치험례. Table Clinic. 대한치과교정학회 학술대회. 서울COEX.

  • 2003.07

    Wook Heo. Orthodontic bonding adhesives. Lecture. Seoul Orthodontic Forum. Seoul. Korea.

  • 2001.11

    허욱, 남동석. 제1소구치발치 환자에서 6전치 일괄 견인과 견치단독견인과의 공간폐쇄 양상에 관한 연구. Poster. 대한치과교정학회 학술대회

  • 2001.06

    Hyuk-Su KIM, Wook Heo, Dong-Seok Nahm. Anterior Tooth Size Discrepancies among Orthodontic Patients. IADR. Toyko, JAPAN

상호명 : 아너스치과교정과 치과의원 | 대표원장 : 허욱
주소 : 서울 관악구 관악로 164 (봉천동, 대우디오슈페리움1단지) 1층 101,102호 | 전화번호 :02-883-0075 | 사업자등록번호 : 119-91-03973
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